除左macaron餡之外, 今次既cupcake同糖葉都係老公既大作~^^
呢個係半年前攸 既sample~
除左幫手整之外, 多得老公今日遲返工都幫我送貨…^^" 原本唸住自己送, 估唔到會病…老公原本返1點, 今日4點先幫我送貨, 送完貨先返工…^^" 好在星期日佢鋪頭比較清閒, 多謝老公^3^
除左幫手整之外, 多得老公今日遲返工都幫我送貨…^^" 原本唸住自己送, 估唔到會病…老公原本返1點, 今日4點先幫我送貨, 送完貨先返工…^^" 好在星期日佢鋪頭比較清閒, 多謝老公^3^
Thanks 小藍for your help!
回覆刪除Just knew that u are sick on that day!
Highly appreciated for your help!
BTW, the food are so great! Your Macaron changed my fd's bad impression of Macaron, she said that she hate Macaron b4 as it is too sweet but after she ate your Macaron, she said she fall in love to it as it is not too sweet and very tasty!
Thanks again!
[版主回覆09/23/2011 10:00:05]太好喇~~睇倒你咁講真係好高興呀~!!! ^333^